HSW Landslide
Total displacement of HSW Landslide
Yielded area of HSW Landslide
(2)2016.5.8 福建泰宁滑坡
Taining Landslide in Fujian
Landslide of Guizhou
(4)1976.7.28 唐山地震
Tangshan earthquake
(5)1989 California Earthquake
(6) 1964 Japanese(Nigata) quakes
(6)1964 Japanese(Nigata) quakes
(7) Taiwan (Boulanger) quakes
(8)1995 Japanese (Kobe) quake
(9) 2004.6.23 印尼大海啸前
Before Tsunami
(9) 2004.12.28 印尼大海啸后
After Tsunami
(10)2010 台湾滑坡
Taiwan Landslide
(11) SZWQ煤矿煤层自燃处治(燃烧全景)
Spontaneous combustion in SQ coal mine, in 2018
(11) SZWQ煤矿煤层自燃处治(煤层自燃)
Spontaneous combustion in SQ coal mine, in 2018
(11) SZWQ煤矿煤层自燃处治(1.覆土)
Covering soil for Spontaneous combustion in SQ coal mine, in 2018
(11) SZWQ煤矿煤层自燃处治第(1.覆土)
After covering soil for spontaneous combustion in SQ coal mine, in 2018
(11) SZWQ煤矿煤层自燃处治(2.清火源)
Clearing spontaneous combustion in SQ coal mine, in 2018
(11) SZWQ煤矿煤层自燃处治(3.回填)
Filling soil for spontaneous combustion in SQ coal mine, in 2018
(11) SZWQ煤矿煤层自燃处治(3.回填)
Filling soil for spontaneous combustion in SQ coal mine, in 2018
(11) SZWQ煤矿煤层自燃处治(4.碾压)
Compacting soil for spontaneous combustion in SQ coal mine, in 2018
(11) SZWQ煤矿煤层自燃处治(5.再回填)
Filling soil for spontaneous combustion in SQ coal mine, in 2018
(11) SZWQ煤矿煤层自燃处治(6.修复全景)
Restoring engineering for spontaneous combustion in SQ coal mine, in 2018
(11) SZWQ煤矿煤层自燃处治(7.监测火源)
Monitoring the fire for spontaneous combustion in SQ coal mine, in 2018
(11) SZWQ煤矿煤层自燃处治(7.监测火源)
Monitoring the fire for spontaneous combustion in SQ coal mine, in 2018
(11) SZWQ煤矿煤层自燃处治(8.柔性排水沟)
Soft drainage ditch for spontaneous combustion slope in SQ coal mine, in 2018
(11) SZWQ煤矿煤层自燃处治(9.数值分析)
Compacting soil for spontaneous combustion in SQ coal mine, in 20182018
(11) SZWQ煤矿煤层自燃处治(9.数值分析)
Compacting soil for spontaneous combustion in SQ coal mine, in 20182018
(12)BNB 煤矿煤层自然处治(前)
Before Restoring engineering for spontaneous combustion in BNB coal mine(202005~10)
(12)BNB 煤矿煤层自然处治(1.矿坑修复后)
After Restoring engineering for spontaneous combustion in BNB coal mine(202005~10)
(12)BNB 煤矿煤层自然处治(2.矿坑修复后局部)
Part after restoring engineering for spontaneous combustion in BNB coal mine(202005~10)
(12)BNB 煤矿煤层自然处治(3.煤炭污染区修复后)
Contaminated area after restoring engineering for spontaneous combustion in BNB coal mine(202005~10)
(12)BNB 煤矿煤层自然处治(4.煤矸石对修复后)
Coal waste rock pile after restoring engineering for spontaneous combustion in BNB coal mine(202005~10)
CHANGJIAGOU engineering slope ( full view of slope,2021.07)
CHANGJIAGOU engineering slope (
tension crack after top of slope 2021.07)
CHANGJIAGOU engineering slope (
toe crack after front edge of slope 2021.07)
CHANGJIAGOU engineering slope (
Wall crack after front edge of slope 2021.07)
CHANGJIAGOU engineering slope (
numerical analysis of slope 2021.07)
CHANGJIAGOU engineering slope (
numerical analysis of slope 2021.07)